You are currently browsing the monthly archive for November 2011.

The Daily Telegraph have published an obitury to Flt Lt Palliser, see at:

Please return your booking forms By 30th November 2011.

     Lest we Forget












Wing Commander John Beazley DFC               Flt Lt Charles “Tich” Pallister DFC

We are asking members if they have any squadron aircraft memorabila they would like to donate to The 249 Millenium ATC Squadron to replace the shield we donated several years ago as a ground training trophy.

Please contact me on 01914550229 if you feel you could help.

Association Sec Tommy Cullen

Flt. Lt. Charles “Tich” Palliser DFC served with 249 Squadron in the Battle of Britain and also  Malta in the Hurricanes of 249 Sqn led by Sqn Ldr. Robert Barton. He died on September 24th 2011. Our Condolences go out to his family.

Please See the following link for Charles Career history.